Yusuf Naim’s summer work experience at Finyx
On the 24th of June I started my work experience with Finyx. My day began by meeting Phil Stewart at a public-sector department where I was shown what the business does and then observed some meetings to give me a better insight into how the business operates. I met individuals working for the business such as Tony Bourne and David Williams who gave me a run through into what their job entails. Working with Phil I learnt about the Finyx business model and how the business is helping to transform the government security program. On the day I also met with Andrew Peck from Vorto.co who taught me about different tools which Finyx’s clients use, such as “ServiceNow.”
The next day I travelled to software development company Datalogic to learn about another tool, Remando, and how Finyx is hoping to use it in the future as a surveying and data discovery tool. I met one of the other company directors, Neil Blurton, who developed my understanding as to how and why Finyx use tools such as ServiceNow and Remando to benefit their customers.
I then went on to visit the York Offices on June 27th where I met John Rollings, Ben Piper and Alex Johnson. Here I learnt how the Business is organised and managed. I went on to create a presentation regarding the confidence analysis tool that I had looked at a few days earlier. John aided me in making sure that the presentation was of a high standard, teaching me skills that I will continue to apply in future presentations. I was surprised when I met the Finyx team as they were very friendly and encouraging towards me. I noticed they shared this friendly attitude with their clients. The Finyx team and their clients are as formal with each other as I expected, and to me this shows they have a great relationship.
The time spent with the team was very insightful as they are very hard working and showed me what a working day entails.