Thought Leadership
Our team regularly share their insights on a diverse range of topics.
You can read them below.
Insights | Returning to work and how to overcome those jitters
Returning to work and how to overcome those jitters Gone are the days when only women would take lengthy breaks from work after having a baby. Today, over 900,00 people
Insights | FinOps
FinOps In the days of data centres with fixed costs and annual budget cycles it was relatively pain free to make a plan. Each year would be the same, the
Getting to know | Ben Piper
Getting to Know Ben Piper For the third in our “Getting to Know” series we spoke with one of our Senior Consultants, Ben Piper, who has started his career with
Insights | Failing Fast to Succeed
Failing Fast to Succeed : The public sector needs to learn how to fail-fast, in order to succeed The strain on public sector organisations to deliver essential services has never
Insights | Maybe it’s me
Maybe it’s me Did Henry VIII ever think “You know what, maybe it’s me?” It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a large organisation with complex business challenges, must be
Insights | Born digital vs adopting digital – the difference between Monzo and Barclays
Born digital vs adopting digital – the difference between Monzo and Barclays Digital transformation is at the top every CTOs list. It promises better technology, faster operations, happy customers and