Getting to Know Darcey Jones
Darcey Jones
Senior Consultant
For the fourth in our “Getting to Know” series we spoke with one of our Senior Consultants Darcey Jones, who speaks to us about her previous roles and her trips abroad, teaches us the art of patience and persistence and leaves us with some food for thought when sharing the successful business person she would like to have lunch with.
1. What is the most interesting role you have had to date?
I really enjoyed a project I was on at the Department for Education. It was a piece of work aimed at improving the services offered to the most vulnerable children and their families, so it felt like I was contributing to something important. My role focused on data analysis, so I was looking at data from the Department for Education, the NHS, and various charities to try to understand how families were using the existing services.
2. How did you get to where you are now?
I’ve really ploughed on with no time off between education and starting work or between roles. This has been good for career progression – but a 6 month sabbatical is hopefully on the cards sometime in the next five years (my ideal itinerary includes Assam, Svalbard, and Borneo)
3. What are the different types jobs that you’ve had? Anything unusual?
Throughout school and university I had a mix of Service Industry jobs. Some of these weren’t too enjoyable (Sunday morning shifts cleaning a hotel) whilst others were great (working in a delicatessen and becoming a cheese connoisseur). Since starting my professional career I’ve pretty much just stuck to the Tech Industry – a stint as an analyst in a blockchain start-up then a move into digital consulting.
4. What motivates you?
The people I work with. Work for me is all about feeling part of a team. This is probably why I’ve only ever worked at smaller firms where you get this strong collegiate feeling and you know your colleagues really well.
5. Advice for people starting their career?
Just get started. It is unlikely that your first job will be the prefect job for you, so don’t be too particular about what it is – just find an industry that interests you and go from there. You’ll learn so much in your first couple of years and in my opinion you’ll then be in a much better position to make a more long-term career plan.
6. Are there specific qualities you look for in people that join your team?
I always like working with people that give things a go, put themselves forward and take the bull by the horns. Being proactive should never be underestimated!
7. What is the most exotic country you have been to for work?
In my first graduate role I got to visit some great cities … Paris, Zurich, Dublin, New York. New York was the highlight for me – it had always been on my bucket list and I managed to fit in a lot of site seeing and a Broadway show.
I’m not a particularly adventurous person and I love my home comforts – so if I’m being really honest it would still be the UK. I’m definitely more countryside than city – so anywhere rural would suit me just fine.
9. If you could have lunch with a successful business person who would you choose? e.g Sheryl Sandberg, Jeff Bezos, Bear Grylls etc
All the founders of Flash Forest – a company that achieves mass reforestation by using drones. Like a lot of people, the state of the planet worries me and I think I’d find it equal parts interesting and comforting to hear about their success.
10. Tea or coffee?
Tea, but never in the afternoon – I’ve always struggled with switching off so am willing to try anything to help get a good night’s sleep.